Friday, March 11, 2011

Half a Year and Such!

February 25th, 2011


Love this little boy more than life its self!


Some days it feels like I'm never going to get break. Bad things just keep happening, throwing themselves in front of me, refusing to be ingored. I'll admit that I'm the first one to tell someone to keep their chin up, it's not always as easy to take your own advice. Some day I'll catch and break, and all the trials and tribulations that I'm going through now will have payed off. I'll be a stronger person for all of this, right? If I keep telling myself it over and over again, I may some day start to believe it.

Life is just so, relentless.

Oh a little baby for the day. :) This is what I wake up to every morning, him peeping over the edge staring at me. Today I woke up to him standing, holding onto the edge of the crib though. Different story, different day!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Things I Do

Oh the things I do, one of which is not apparently this blog. I've been computerless, which sucks, for weeks now. I've gone through withdrawls, and then gone through them again. As soon as it's back up and running I pinky promise, kiss-of-death, that I'll keep up with this. At least keep up with it as best that I can! Between going to school full-time, taking care of a very active teething 6 month old, I barely have time to breath.

Speaking of school, I'm almost halfway done with this semester! Yes! This means I only have 1.5years left of school, which in my melodramatic mind is, FOREVER! I'm almost tempted to set up a ticker just to remind how much little time is actually left. Then I remember during my pregnancy how that little number changed sooo slowly, I won't do that to my self again. :)

Gavin turned 6 months on the 25th last month. I can't believe my tiny baby boy is half a year old already; where did the time go? He has two teeth coming in on the bottom, is so close to crawling it's ridicules. At this point I think he's just taunting us, "Watch me Mom! Haha. You thought I was going to do it that time didn't you?!". Love him, but he's such a turd. His newest thing is going from a crawling position up onto his head and tip toes. Don't ask me why, I would pay millions to just dip inside that brain for couple seconds to see what he is actually thinking! He also goes from a crawling position to a sittiing position. No idea how he figured that one out either. He was on all fours, I blinked, he was on his butt. Child of mine, please stop growing up so quickly, it's breaking Mommy's heart.